Supplier Assessment

Savvy evaluation of your new business partners in China plays a crucial role in the success of your commercial venture abroad.

You can try to carry out due diligence on your own, but this choice has significant drawbacks, such as the language barrier, lack of time, remoteness of the supplier from you, and so on.

By entrusting the assessment of suppliers in China to our specialists, you will get a comprehensive appraisal of your prospective counterparty’s reputation, which will enable you to adopt a wise strategy in the subsequent cooperation.

Give Us a Call Now to Find Your Business Partner in China


As groundwork, we perform basic desk-based research concerning the Chinese counterparty of interest. This includes several stages.

First, we review the information about the supplier in the government and official databases. This will reveal, amongst other details:

  • year of incorporation
  • authorized capital of the company
  • its registration number
  • address (legal and actual)
  • information about the legal representative of the company
  • existence of certain licenses

We also check whether the supplier has been blacklisted or has been involved in any legal proceedings in recent years.

Then, we will get in touch with the supplier directly and ask to provide product specifications and necessary certifications, the business license of the company as well as evidence of its existence (such as pictures and videos of the production lines and factory facilities).


The final stage of the supplier verification is an onsite audit, which includes a number of stages, including:

  • visiting the factory to get acquainted with its material and technical base, personnel, and management
  • photo and/or video filming of the production process and products for subsequent transmission to the customer
  • assessment of production capacities – obtaining a complete picture of the capabilities of the enterprise and the volume of the possible production of the goods
  • assessment of the general condition of the factory – identification of the reality of the production and its conformity with the declared information
  • description of the production processes – determination of compliance with current quality requirements and industry standards
  • supplier’s quality control system assessment – examination of the required documentation as well as checking certain work processes and communication with authorized personnel to confirm its reliability
  • visiting the warehouse and assessing the workload of the factory – acquaintance with the products, their quality, and the ability to manufacture in the required time and the right amount
  • familiarization with the management – clarification of the aspects of interest, including the terms of cooperation, payment, and possible production volumes.

Based on the results of the assessment, the client receives a report that includes the entire package of required documentation and photo and/or video materials. Additionally, product catalogs and samples can be provided. 


A timely inspection of the supplier in China allows to obtain answers to such vital questions as:

  • the reality of the existence of the company
  • conformity to declared business activities
  • availability of permits for production activities
  • availability of export opportunities for the sale of goods outside China
  • readiness of the manufacturer to cooperate with you
  • your desire and willingness to sign an agreement specifically with this manufacturer.

Assessment of the suppliers in China is one of the main activities of our company. The professionalism of our employees, their vast experience and diligence allows us to cover your blind spots and ensure the precision and effectiveness of supplier assessment.


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